Lumaan: Still does not help me if I like it to be a part of Steam, unless I get it from Steam. So yeah I have to be patient and wait on a sale on Steam so I can get it for the price my local shop have.
vulchor: Sounds like you really need to check your expectations because they are beyond ridiculous. I've been super pissed every time I bought a game and it made me use Steam. This is NOT like that. You buy retail, you don't need anything else, but CDPR was nice enough to include a FREE code for GOG. IF you wanted Steam, well then you should have bought FROM Steam. No exceptions should be expected.
And I'm not happy when I buy outside of Steam to have the options to get it on steam, and buying a new game on Steam is to expensive, why I get it from local place (internet/store).
And @ilBasile it's not the same.
But I can see I'm at the wrong place, the place where all the Steam-haters are. So I'll leave.
But either way, have fun playing :)