Shoelip: Huh? What multiplatform games have you been playing? Every multiplatform game I've played recently has had the PC patches come out as soon as they're ready and the console ones come out as soon as Sony/MS allow them.
honestly I try to avoid mutliplatform nowadays =\
well except for witcher ofc )
I meant not only patches - but all aspects of games =\
mattsslug: I'm not trying to start any kind of console war with this post. It's just that the pc has received the other patches when they were ready as pc doesn't need that certification process. The rumour going round is that this time the pc patch will be held back and released at the same time. In my (and I'm sure most pc players will feel the same) it's not really fair to hold back anything from the pc system that is ready just to wait for people on the consoles end to test it with those systems.
well - the pc patch comes the same day that console ones, that is a fact- and it is known that consoles have some certifitacion - so people assumed that pc get patch delayed.
Thats may not be true - that can also mean that pc get more time polishing - devs will dedicate more time to us, while waiting for console approval.