BatJoe: So let me get this straight... a bunch of pirates get to play the game early but legal owners of the game still have to wait next week?
And to top it off CD says they will still let the pirates have the patches for the game.
Well that's just crazy.
TBreaker20: Don't be a fool. Pirates only have the game preloaded, just like that. One thing is cracking a game, another is coding the remaining parts, and I highly doubt of reloaded, skidrow, etc. being able to do that in less than a week.
At first I thought you were saying that the scene groups wouldn't be able to crack it for a week after release but I guess I have reading comprehensions. :) Yeah, you are right, there is no way they can crack the game in the following week (13 to 19 March), but sadly since the game is DRM-free it will be uploaded on the torrent trackers mere hours after release. :( But I don't think it is entirely bad - I even believe that a descent part of the pirates are gonna buy the game.