Coflash: I'm just wondering why when I play my recently bought copy of the Witcher 2...
Why I cannot quick load?
Why the video settings for the game have been externalized, a common feature for multiplatform games, when it would have fit into the in game menu the same way it did in the Witcher 1?
Why the control mapping is also external, when I want to change a simple thing in game?
Why the esc button doesn't simply take you back in the menu?
Why the combat has been dumbed down to only ever involve hitting, rolling, hitting, rolling etc?
Why there are exactly 50 achievements, the requirement for a 360 game to be submitted?
Why it plays better with a controller?
Why Geralt now looks like any other generic next-gen hero character? His odd looks were refreshing, does he *really* need to be more handsome to appeal to the 10 - 15 year olds this game will inevitibly try to satisfy? He's gone from looking european to an american with the squarest of jaws.
Why can't I change the volume once in game, via my G15 keyboard? Why can't I mute it?
Why have the 3 levels of each combat type for the two swords been dumbed down? Was it really that hard to map to a controller? Again, you've taken depth from the combat.
Seriously though, it's a good game, but the only PC centric feature I can find is that it looks amazing. I wish people would stop listening to that internal monologue in their heads saying that this is a PC game when it is obviously entirely console focused. As if it weren't obvious enough it was going to consoles before release, the full version undoubtedly proves it.
I had played TW1 immediately before starting TW2, it feels very very odd.
I have to give it to you, you came up with a much better title than I did for my thread...
... one thing I just noticed you may want to add to this...
In the menus, all buttons are round... who's got round keys on a keyboard?
Seriously, open, for example, the character tree, and you'll see that the menu choices EXIT, SELECT, etc, they are all next to really big round buttons.