Posted August 11, 2011
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Kleetus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2010
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vindik8or Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2011
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Posted August 12, 2011
vindik8or: It's already been explained away as different several times, man. It's up to you now to learn how to read.
Kleetus: Trolling and stupid remarks like "it's the same as opening doors" don't explain anything apart from ignorance and a lack of intelligence. Address the following non-trolling, completely serious points; do so individually, and you've maybe got a wobbly, scrawny leg to stand on:
1) You initiate the attack in complete awareness of what will follow
2) You know the order of things, it becomes muscle-memory rather than stimulus-response
3) The 'failure state' of the attack can be used tactically to cancel the chain and take another action immediately, rather than "Too bad gotta start again", ie. it's not a failure state.
4) At any point during the attack you have a range of tools at your disposal that you can switch to and use if you decide to
5) You have various changing and emerging conditions to respond to that aren't solved by 'press the button that appears on the screen'
6) SF4 is just QTEs because if you don't press the buttons in the right order with the right timing you don't do the move, or you fail to respond to the on-screen symbol of the man attacking you and you don't block and take damage.
7) (related to point 6, just someone else saying it):
Demut: It’s a fucking combo, how hard is that to understand? Do I have to draw you a painting of that? What’s next? Saying that every Beat ’Em Up ever is a QTE fest? “It’s not identical but the same concept” ... what a jokester. You initiate this combo, you are not suddenly prompted to do it! Plus, I can easily say the same thing you used as a defense for opening doors not being QTEs: You don’t have to do it within limited time. You could beat enemies without ever clicking a second time and always relying on the first slash and on signs.
8) Your definition of a QTE is pointlessly reductive and adds nothing to the argument.Post edited August 12, 2011 by vindik8or
Demut Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted August 12, 2011
adhuin: The boxing QTE minigame is ok, because you don't lose for single mistake, but from series of mistakes.
Besides, did you notice that sometimes when you press the wrong button during the boxing fights you get an instant second chance? Because there is no limited amount of time to carry it out. You could run around the enemy for an hour before you decide to slash him and after that first hit you could pull back and continue running around. You suffer no direct consequences of not using the succeeding combos.
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Kleetus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2010
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vindik8or Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted August 12, 2011
Kleetus: You keep dictating to people on what they should do and say.
Who do you think you are, I'll do and say what I like.
In other words you are incapable of arguing, either those points, or any that people bring up in response to your own ignorance. Who do you think you are, I'll do and say what I like.
A wee pro-tip for you. That was a rhetorical device, people who argue well often use them. It was not meant to be taken seriously as what I actually believe (since I don't believe there are any QTEs in The Witcher), but rather the logical extension of your definition. It shows how ridiculous your own ideas about QTEs are, especially since even you can recognise it as being stupid.
Kleetus: Anyway, I'll say it again, a QTE is QUICK TIME EVENT, which is an on screen prompt telling you what to press and giving you a limited time to do so.
There are no other if's or but's or maybe's, it is what it is.
And that is an imprecise and pointlessly reductive definition of QTEs. It leads to many, many things being considered QTEs, such as the Street Fighter 4 example that I gave (which no one will agree constitute QTEs). Another point against your slackjawed argument that you have failed to address. There are no other if's or but's or maybe's, it is what it is.
Kleetus: And The Witcher combat is based on that, unlike your earlier comment on opening doors being QTE.
The combat in the first game is not QTEs for all of the reasons mentioned. Points that you have continuously and egregiously failed to address. There is no reason that anyone should consider your point correct because you cannot argue for it. You just state it over and over again without anything to support it, while people constantly point out flaws that you are incapable of defending. Kleetus: There is to do the combo, if there wasn't a limited time, then why does the flaming sword icon appear and disappear?
Again, as you seem to have trouble understanding, a QTE is an onscreen prompt for a command, and a time period in which to carry it out.
Once again, your definition is wrong because it is way too broad. Combat in The Witcher has more in common with combos from Street Fighter 4 (which has onscreen prompts, limited time periods in which to carry them out, and according to your definition MUST be QTEs) than it does with actual QTEs. Again, as you seem to have trouble understanding, a QTE is an onscreen prompt for a command, and a time period in which to carry it out.
This is why I asked you to address the points individually. In the hope that you might rise to the occasion and actually contribute something worthwhile to the argument and definition. Instead you try to hide your inadequacies behind bravado and ignorant repetition. It's pretty sad to watch, really.
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Antimateria Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted August 12, 2011
I just killed kayran in hard and this is my first time playing this game. Few suprising deaths came because of QTE, didn't expect those and how could I. Well, I have died a lot in this game. =) But, I think they should have left them away from bosses. In fistfights they are allright, at least we see some cool moves. But it comes a bit repetitive, as someone already said. Still, fistfighting in witcher 1 wasn't so great either.. so I prefer this one.
In minigames QTEs are generally fine.
Still, I would have gladly took some kind of a real boxing in there. Perhaps so simple as punch-out. =) That's not far from quick time events, dodge and punch and repeat with couple of buttons. But it would be still better.
As said, haven't played the whole game. But if in middle of bossfight comes QTE, it mostly is couple of times instant death. That's not fair. I think that boss was hard enough without that.
Of course it looked cool.
I'm playing with a controller, so it's not so bad. And I guess in options is chance to make QTEs easier. Which I don't do. =)
Those are not so in my face things that I had too much trouble with them.
Edit: Maybe in later game I'll change my mind.
In minigames QTEs are generally fine.
Still, I would have gladly took some kind of a real boxing in there. Perhaps so simple as punch-out. =) That's not far from quick time events, dodge and punch and repeat with couple of buttons. But it would be still better.
As said, haven't played the whole game. But if in middle of bossfight comes QTE, it mostly is couple of times instant death. That's not fair. I think that boss was hard enough without that.
Of course it looked cool.
I'm playing with a controller, so it's not so bad. And I guess in options is chance to make QTEs easier. Which I don't do. =)
Those are not so in my face things that I had too much trouble with them.
Edit: Maybe in later game I'll change my mind.
Post edited August 12, 2011 by Antimateria
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thelazyreader Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jul 2011
From India
Posted August 13, 2011
I have no problems with QTEs in this game, because they allow me to see some great motion-captured battle sequences that would be impossible for me to perform with the regular button-mashing sword swings. In fact I think maybe we should have had a few little QTEs for regular fights(like say, opportunities to grabb a solider's sword arm and stabbing him in the neck, tripping an opponent. during a group fight etc).
Sure, some are hard, but you can disable these in the in-game menu and what you're left with are fairly simple: just click or press one of the WASD keys in a 5-second window, which is more than long enough unless you're really slow to respond.
And it's thanks to QTEs that I enjoy fist-fighting brawls, whereas in the first game they were just a chore to earn some extra cash.
Sure, some are hard, but you can disable these in the in-game menu and what you're left with are fairly simple: just click or press one of the WASD keys in a 5-second window, which is more than long enough unless you're really slow to respond.
And it's thanks to QTEs that I enjoy fist-fighting brawls, whereas in the first game they were just a chore to earn some extra cash.
Demut Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted August 14, 2011
Kleetus: There is to do the combo, if there wasn't a limited time, then why does the flaming sword icon appear and disappear?
Again, as you seem to have trouble understanding, a QTE is an onscreen prompt for a command, and a time period in which to carry it out.
That's exactly what The Witcher combat is.
At this point I think that you are trying your hardest to save what there is still left to save of your face. I just explained to you in detail why there is no necessity to “carry anything out in a period of time” in The Witcher 1. What else can I do? Do you want me to paint a picture of it, too?Again, as you seem to have trouble understanding, a QTE is an onscreen prompt for a command, and a time period in which to carry it out.
That's exactly what The Witcher combat is.
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Kleetus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2010
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vindik8or Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted August 15, 2011
Oh no! Time trial racing games are QTEs now too?
Demut Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted August 15, 2011
How many more times to I have to repeat myself? It is a combo. QTEs and combos are two different things. Why won’t this go in this head of yours?
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Kleetus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted August 16, 2011
What a load of rubbish.
Unless you can show me the rule that says "combos aren't included"?
You get an onscreen prompt, and you have a limited time, that is a QUICK TIME event.
A five year old could understand that, but the only rubbish that you can come up with is that FPS must be QTE's also etc etc ad nauseum.
Unless you can show me the rule that says "combos aren't included"?
You get an onscreen prompt, and you have a limited time, that is a QUICK TIME event.
A five year old could understand that, but the only rubbish that you can come up with is that FPS must be QTE's also etc etc ad nauseum.