Posted May 21, 2011

Honestly, how the hell can you conclude that a game not even released on console, which was developed for PC first, and has features and technologies that a console would not be able to handle without significant optimization and dumbing down a consolized game?!
Sure, the game has its flaws, and I will be the first to point them out so that CDProjekt can fix them quicker (the funny but true "Why I hate this game" thread comes to mind), but the game is awesome and I am having a blast with it. The issues with the game will eventually be fixed if CDProjekt's past handling of game problems are anything to go by (the Enhanced Edition patch for Witcher 1 comes to mind).
Keep doing what you do CDProjekt, a lot of us are behind you all the way.

CD Projekt got this right completely w/ The Witcher 1.
Also - didn't we all learn from PC versions of Dead Space 1 and 2 fiasco?
If I wanna put movement keys on Cursors keys b/c I am left-handed, I should be able to.
Same goes for me also should be allowed to use NumPad and Delete Key for key remapping, as well.
Also - how come the X360 Start-Button Main Menu is different from the PC Escape Key's Main Menu?
Would it not have been easier to make them LOOK....exactly the same (like the 360 Menu)?
oh looking at it its because.. they have no other way to get to he extra UI listings
Post edited May 21, 2011 by cloud8521