Not to condone what the King did, but Ves' own Blue Stripes members are constantly chatting about how raping and pillaging are THEIR kind of fight (for that matter, pretty sure Roche confirmed just that in the prologue when reporting to Foltest). Which would sort of imply they do these acts a lot. ;p Which made it, from an in-game context point of view, a bit hard for me to have sympathy with her. Obviously, from our modern world view, it's totally inexcusable.
Just saying, while we should condemn Henselt for his rape, it seems a tad strange no one is up in arms over the Blue Stripes and their raping as well. ;)
Also, yes, Geralt was insinuating that there must be a reason why Dethmold let her live, thus why he said she was lying. That never played out in any way though in the story, so it was either something from an earlier build before they trimmed the story, or it was never meant to amount to anything and just serve as atmosphere for lack of a better word.
Post edited May 25, 2011 by revial