Posted May 27, 2011

Here is the "Mutagens for All Abilities" mod with every ability allowing 2 or 3 mutagens when the ability is level 2. Nothing else was changed.
Fixed 2 previous bugs that were based on the number of pre programmed slots.
Minor bugs that remain:
After testing it some more I have found some bugs with this.
1) If your loading a game with a slot full prior to using this mod then you may find some 2 slot ones already show 2 in them and some 3 slot ones show that they already have 3 in them, there's only a few of them. I tested by filling all the abilities then putting the mod on for this. If you start using the mod before you put mutagens in the slots this bug does not seem to happen but I'll need to test it some more.
2) only 1 slot shows on level 1 and all slots show on level 2 of the ability.
Give it a go and tell me what you think.
Just wanna give a heads up to potential users:
I used the Mutagen in Every Slot mod (one per) and it really is unbalancing. Fine if you wanna cruise. Limiting oneself to 12 upgrades would keep it reasonable. Hence, I would suggest that multiple mutations per ability will essentially be God Mode. That is absolutely fine, if that is what you want. Just know what you are getting.
Again, I am not denigrating the mod or author! He is a pillar of the community!
In fact, I will be so bold as to say, "Please keep at it! Create a 12-slot, upgradeable version!"
Cheers, and happy hunting!