Falcon2045: The point is: If it was implemented correctly in the first place, we would not be here. It would work just fine.
The Problem is, that the game is hard coded for 16:9 resolutions. That's why Eyefinity users get black borders on left and right and that's why 16:10, 5:4 or 4:3 users have black borders on the bottom or on the top.
A correct fix/implementation would be a benefit for all users that do not have a 16:9 monitor. And I guess, this is the majority of all players! I agree, but I just find it such a small issue that doesn't really make the game any worse. Having small black bars on my monitor is really nothing to worry about. We get these bars in movies all the time so we're used to it. I didn't even notice at first. On a 16:10 monitor of 1920x1200 this is a whooping 60 pixels at the top and 60 pixels at the bottom.
I really don't understand why a select few have to go the barricades and spouting nonesense like "pc development isn't what it once was" or worse just because they can't (at the moment) fully utilize their decadent little triple monitor setup (and again, I have it myself). It's such a minor issue considering what an excellent PC game we got.
Wouldn't be suprised if these same people came back once triple monitors are supported to complain how the framerate doesn't hold up to their expectations. It'll be the old "this game isn't optimized" drama all over again.