MihaiHornet: The point is that
is the auto targeting that gets you into a group of enemies. You can't freely select your target, you can only lock on and sometimes it gets you in places you don't want to be, like in the middle of a mob, because your
auto selected target is there.
kindiboy: I know what you are saying, and am not talking about this yet you are in the 2nd step of a fight, first step is separate them, btw I can select who I want to fight while fighting I know exactly who am going to hit next and I have no clue how this game plays with a keyboard, probably it's a keyboard thing...?
I see what you mean now.
This happens when enemies are close to each other. I know what you mean, your tactic is to run around separate them and pick them one by one. I did that too because I had no choice, because of two reasons:
1. Auto aiming which gets you in trouble when enemies are close to each other.
2. Geralt not being able to move in one direction and still keep facing his opponents.
Have you noticed how strange this is and how it affects combat? Why did CDP did this is beyond me but I hope they will fix it. :)