kyogen: CDPR's shooter: Isn't "Hard Reset" being developed with help from CDPR as well as People Can Fly and others? Or is it just that people from other studios went over to Flying Wild Hog? Can't tell from the English-language news I read.
Some people from CDPR went to FWH. CD Projekt is not directly associated, though the game looks pretty cool.
I honestly think that to sell a lot of copies on the console version, they just need to re-run the ads they made with emphasis that it's for Xbox360 now. Honestly, that marketing was really accessible. It caught the eye, had some great moments from the game, and gave you a general overview on what to expect. Sure, it didn't explain the full examples of game mechanics, but I hardly saw it necessary. Hook a potential buyer and they will find out the rest on their own.
No, it won't sell as much as PC, but not because consoles players are "mindless drooling idiots". It's because it came out on PC first, was made specifically for PC, and was marketed directly at PC gamers who want the best looking games and a long experience. Console players can handle as much complexity as the individual is able to process, just as PC gamers. That's not the issue here.