Posted May 18, 2011

Two things:
1) Anyone angry about this must go nuclear trying to watch 16:9 and 4:3 videos (non-anthropomorphic) on their 16:10 monitor. Little horizontal blank bars have nothing on the inches of vertical blank columns from 4:3 videos.
2) I realize this isn't a solution and, fortunately this has been patched already, but personally, I usually game windowed whenever possible so my issue then becomes largest possible game resolution before I may as well just full screen it.

Back on topic: another ratio surprise for PC exclusives is that Crysis and Crysis Wars/Warhead are both stuck in 4:3. Fortunately, Crysis 2 fixed that, but still hit consoles. You win some, you lose some, but not that the sales figures don't back that decision...
I don't mean to start another war on another subject, but I remember the differences in the way the Restore button works in Windows versus Mac coming up in one of my college classes. That conversation had a similar conclusion/lesson: the assumption that programmers know better than we do how we want to experience their product.
For anyone wondering, that was the conclusion because in Windows, Restore switches between full screen and what you last had as the window size. Unless this has changed in the years since the coversation, the similarly functioned button on a Mac window switches between full screen and a preset set by the developer.