Posted May 23, 2011
Kezardin: I finished chapter 2 yesterday and did the autopsy before finding the body in the crypt or attending the party, so there's some flexibility.
@ destovel - just out of interest, have you physically been to the tower in the swamp ? Both Kalkstein and Raymond have dialogue options for it and these may not show if it's location in still not known exactly.
I did try that out as well, I walked up to the tower door and clicked it to see the "Locked" text pop-up on the screen. Then I talked to Kalkstein and Raymond, yet still no further dialogue options. For now, I think I will just wait for the TW official forums to come back online and then see what tools are available there / re-post my question then@ destovel - just out of interest, have you physically been to the tower in the swamp ? Both Kalkstein and Raymond have dialogue options for it and these may not show if it's location in still not known exactly.