westsai: Redeemed my code, downloaded the necessary files, but unable to get the game installed
I'm getting this message:
Installation failed with code: -3: Checksum error
Please restart the installer and try again
If the problem persists, please contact Support
Just wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem, if so, how do i fix this?
When the download finishes, it performs a checksum test on the file. If the value is off, then that means that there was a problem with the download. A few bits got out of place and the whole thing is ruined.
All you need to do is redownload the file.
I would recommend not using Galaxy. Lots of folks are having issues with it. You will want to use the GOG Downloader tool or just download from the website.
Support does work, too. Here is the link:
http://www.gog.com/support/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_preorder In a post here:
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/checksums_keep_failing -- someone said that using the downloader (you can learn how to use it at the support site) and pausing 1/3 of the way and 2/3 of the way through the download helped him get Fallout downloaded correctly without checksum errors.
I myself have changed the concurrent downloads from 8 to 1 to get positive results for another game.
westsai: Redeemed my code, downloaded the necessary files, but unable to get the game installed
I'm getting this message:
Installation failed with code: -3: Checksum error
Please restart the installer and try again
If the problem persists, please contact Support
Just wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem, if so, how do i fix this?
Knjkiller619: Yea, i'm also trying to install and i'm getting the same error, I hope someone knows how to fix it xP
Quoting you so you can see the reply, too, just in case you haven't gotten it DLed yet.