Posted July 29, 2015
and yes, the gay thing broke the suspension of disbelief for me. I bought the game to be entertained, not to be indoctrinated with liberal propaganda, but that's just me. I hope others like it.
I think I'm the only one who thinks crow is annoying? His character was just okay in the previous games, and the crowboy-map was dreadful imho.
I'm still excited about all the loose ends coming together. Who is the original dreamer? What's the dreamer's relationship to the UnDreaming?
Zoe is smokin' hot too. I don't care for her new haircut in Propoast, but that's how it goes when you're blown up by Nela.
It's not necessarily a liberal propaganda, characters can be gay without it being out of context, because some people just are, and that's ok. Fiona [that woman from TLJ, the common room / lobby in April's building was a lesbian and it was ok too]
Ragnar Tornquist was either dishonest with the players hiding such essential part of a character or, as edfardos said, it's just liberal propaganda that he decided to put in the third book to please the first world pseudo liberals. Frankly, both situations are kinda ugly...
The fact that Fiona was lesbian was A-okay because contrary to popular belief most people who don't like that Kian is now gay are not ragin' homophobes. They just don't like sloppy writing and/or propaganda in a game series that was all about great story before that...
Post edited July 29, 2015 by Zireal