greyhat: They bought it, loved it, and never looked back. I do agree about most of the combat not being that great. However, the game still holds together despite that. It is all about the fan service.
McMicroDonalds: To me this sets a really bad precedent. It says that a game can be really bad mechanically as long as it's the right IP. I didn't think the game community did this. I'm always hearing about how gamesa based on movies are to be avoided; often for a good reason.
Funny I have not heard that being said. However, I would not jump on a game just because it is based on a movie. Nor would I avoid it. I took the plunge, tried this game, and liked it. The combat is not better or worse than a game like Elex. (that might not be the best example) but the game play is good. Decent exploration, stealth, story, visuals, and the combat gets better further into the game.
I like this game better then quite a few higher budget games with more polished game play that I felt were just average as well. Though you are looking at a guy that typically enjoys budget games more as I often find them more interesting, despite lack of polish on some areas. I am not sure if it sets a bad precedent for anything. The bad precedent would be if people blindly buy any movie game because the last one was good or it is based off a movie. This obviously is not the case otherwise we would all be praising the NES version of Total Recall :D . I dont think people are blindly saying the combat is good in this game but they are basing that is is good off more than just the combat. Which goes to show that combat alone does not always make a game and that there is more to a good game than just the shooting mechanics. Exploration, level design, visuals, story, presentation, music, easter eggs, hidden areas, branching story, stealth aspects.....etc. all of which do fairly well in this game. Though not the best by far. Combat just happens to be the weaker point, but it is not horrible either...just to easy. But everything else seems to make up for it.
People did not like the last game this studio made. Rambo, and there are a lot of fans of that movie (my self included...though only the first one.). So I can guess that it was worse somehow, and the studio is learning to make a better game. Even if on a smaller budget. They did so much right with Terminator. Though obviously there is room for improvements.