Posted March 03, 2022

all the 3.2 builds are different stages of busted since the ocean dlc having been pushed onto users without even basic testing
once the Steam only beta of 3.3 is finished later this month there should be some hope for fixes but Paradox will kick it out the door in any state so your guess is as good as any other

3.3 is out, for one thing, but I don't like the changes. Anyway, I'm still finishing up my 3.2 game under 3.2.2. I never had any trouble with that version, and I hear complaints about new bugs in 3.3 (of course). I don't think you need to go back to 3.1, but of course you can if you wish.
if you spend two points to get full psi your main race will NOT get the correct trates and you can't even upgrade them [see still bugged]
the work around is to uplift your own main race [see can't work] but doing this means your main race can't work jobs until they upgrade and it tip takes at least 3 times to get them all done because the game will make new members before its finished
what shits me most about this bug was that its been reported for a year, dev teams have come onto the forums saying bullshit about it being fixed or nothing is wrong and nothing gets fixed because the next Dlc is due out and there is no time for actual testing things work so if you buy Paradox games, buyer beware... the cake is a lie
Post edited March 03, 2022 by ussnorway