drealmer7: Just noting that I absolutely abhore being "told" where things are (even an "object touched by the mouse"-only highlight is too much hand-holding.) Object or area or any indicators from the UI/pointer that I'm "on to something" and what I should do with it ANNOY me. Give me an ambiguous pointer, let me click on whatever interests me to click on to interact with or let me choose walk/look/interact with (and hopefully the VO goes "it's the floor, it's shiny" when I click LOOK + floor and "I can't take the floor" if I try to TAKE it and otherwise I just walk across it), and let me figure it all out!
THEBROTHERHOOD: It's a totally separate story, but we like the idea that J.J Abrams has where everything exists in the same universe and is tied together with a few elements.
drealmer7: it is an interesting concept but I think it is more gimmicky than meaningful, and that it came from JJ Abrams firms my thought that it's very likely not actually a good idea at all (I have serious issues with what he did with Star Trek and Star Wars)
Yeah, for YOU. But from my point of view, I'd rather not have to strain my eyes to enjoy the game. These things can be optional and are great for people like myself who need specs and have degenerative eye problems.
I loved this game, I love the art style and I appreciate why the makers don't want to implement this feature. But at the same time, it doesn't feel nice having eye strain from searching for the most minute detail.