KrankyKat: GoG's always been "behind" with patches, usually by a day, sometimes two. Sometimes it's a bit less than a day. Depends. Unless GoG starts allowing dev's to upload directly, ala Steam, probably isn't going to change much.
Last I knew it was something about the way they do things ... dev's don't give them a patch and GoG immediately uploads it as is, per se. GoG first has do whatever it is to make it compatible with their own installers/software, whatever process that may be. Anyway, I'm not sure if this is what they still do, with Galaxy in particular (I still don't use that). But that was part of the delay in the past I believe.
If a day or two wait is too much for a DRM free version of the game, then reasonable to use Steam. We all have preferences. Myself, when I have a choice, I don't mind a short wait.
For some games it actually takes much more than 1 or 2 days, just look at punch club, they actually skip patch because gog delays patch by weeks not days.