Posted August 14, 2016

How would you like cutscenes to be handled (pre-rendered or in-engine)? I think Unity has the potential to do in-engine cutscenes.
I made one observation related to docking and capturing while creating a mission in X-Ed, which was not really a surprise to me but was an interesting confirmation of behaviour. (Note: I was playtesting in the original 1993 DOS Floppy version - without B-Wing installed)
In the test mission, I created a FG of 6 containers (Chi) which are to be captured - 5 have normal cargo, 1 has special cargo. I have a trigger for a FG of shuttles (Blue) intended to do the capturing (Board to Take order in X-ED) and are set to spawn when the containers are ID'd. My original intention was that the player would need to ID all 6 containers, then a shuttle would spawn and do the capture of the containers (in a round-robin fashion).
After trying the mission, I found my assumptions were a bit faulty:
- Using the "spawn after CON Chi is identified" trigger actually only waits for one (any one) of the containers to be ID'd - not the whole group - in this context, the one with special cargo is irrelevant, since the trigger works with any of the 6 containers.
- Using a single shuttle to do the capture meant that only one container was boarded before it decided to fly home.
- The shuttle would board its equivalent container FG number - i.e. Blue 1 boards Chi 1. I confirmed this when modifying the mission design to spawn 6 shuttles in the FG instead, one for each container. In this situation, Blue 1 boards Chi 1, Blue 2 boards Chi 2, and so on.
- I also observed some clipping on the part of the AI when the shuttles returned to the hanger of the mothership (a Nebulon B) - shuttles 2 and 3 overlapped by about a third of their mass on final approach to the hangar.
Post edited August 14, 2016 by scotsdezmond