Eawyne: Cool, thanks ! It's been running on my second screen all day long now ^^ Yoda Stories style ! I was quite glad to see this pop up on Gog unannounced !
I have one complaint, ever since the Android version : why keep evade
(is that what it's called ?) a hidden stat ?
Two reasons.
Firstly, I don't want Shattered to be overly numbers-based, so I try to only show the numbers that are important for decision-making. It's usually sufficient for the player to know that higher levels = higher accuracy and evasion.
Secondly, the stats themselves aren't exactly intuitive. At base, the player has 10 accuracy and 5 evasion, and gains +1 of each per level. Knowing this tells you nothing about what your actual hit/dodge chance is vs. any given enemy.