CDJ75: Just finished the game, Claire A at least, and unlocked the rocket launcher. Thing is, I don't think the game is noticably harder without the auto-aim, but it feels worse to play because you don't have the quick turn that auto-aim provides and I think Capcom USA removing auto-aim for RE1 and 2 back in the day is part of the reason that some people felt the controls were clunky.
TeekTheGamer: Agreed. I hope somebody out there decides to properly mod this version of the game with a Classic Rebirth patch. If we can get auto-aim, quick turn, and Seamless HD on a PC version of the game with the North American enemy/item placements... that would be definitive.
Yeah. Right now the issue can install the japanese version and get auto-aim, sure...but other than removing auto-aim, all the other changes to the western versions' difficulty are one of the few instances where western publishers demanding a japanese game to be made harder by default actually turned out for the better. RE2 US/EU is pretty easy as is, but the japanese version is *really* *really* easy and it's not the auto-aim. That just makes the game feel better because it really wasn't designed around blind firing at enemies behind walls and other objects.