Posted July 21, 2015

The same can't be said about the fan made VGA version of QfG2. It alters things and changes the original vision of the Coles, which I find unacceptable because I'm a Sierra purist. I don't accept any fan made additions or changes to the original Sierra adventures. I accept remakes only when the original authors are involved and even then I usually prefer the originals more.
I know that this purist attitude may sound bit silly, but I think that other people can rarely capture the true spirit of someone's creative vision and changes which they make dilute that vision.
For starters, the QFG2 VGA remake was very much a labor of love, made by very devoted fans. Years of labor were put into it with absolutely no expectations of ever seeing a single penny from it. The Coles *and* whoever owned the copyright at the time were consulted, not only to make sure that no legal toes were stepped on, but that certain things that didn't make it into the original would make it into the remake. And also that you could seamlessly import and export your characters.
And I must be blunt. The point of a remake is *never* to be exactly the same but with a few updates. The point of a remake is to be different. If it isn't different, then it isn't a remake - just an update.
Is it perfect? Absolutely not. I would never expect it to be. Do I still play the original? yes. But I also still play the remake! After all, they're different experiences, different takes on the same game. Just like the two versions of Quest for Glory 1 are.
It's really okay to be a purist, but please don't so callously dismiss the hard work that other fans, people who love the games just like you and I do, have put into this. It is insulting to them.
And personally, I would absolutely recommend that it belongs in the "must play" list, along with every other Quest for Glory game. In fact, I believe it to be truer to the series than the officially made Quest for Glory 5.