DooMSickle: Fair enough, but I find it hard to stay on topic when people are being disingenuous or can't be straight forward about said topic don't you agree? Prob how this forum got into this mess.
Downvote and move on. Hey, I get tangled in that crap from time to time too (nothing like a bad day to unconsciously try to find someone who Is Wrong On The Internet©, specially during the COVID shitshow), but in the end arguing about that stuff is just wasting your time.
Otherwise I agree with you. GoG was never a priority platform for many big game companies, couple that with the non-DRM policy I don't find it surprising their games take sweet time to get here.
I already knew what to expect from this platform so that's why I can wait patiently, besides it was confirmed Quake will get updated eventually and I don't feel like buying the game again.
All we can do about this is write that we are upset and move on, sourceports like Quakespasm (and spiked) have been making updates to make it compatible with the new stuff, so at least there's going to be a way. It pisses me off how most of the "big games" I've bought have ended up being screwed (Dragon's Dogma, although it was minor stuff and Dying Light come on the top of my head), but well, that's life. The "games that treat gog customers as second class citizens" list is there for a reason, and looking at how big companies treat this shop for online stuff, it's better to just stay away from any "live" game.
So yeah, back to the topic:****** Bethesda, even though I really really wanted to see Deathloop here.
[Modded by Sarafan: Please refrain from insulting other companies.]