windowsliveevan: I am an older person, and find a lot of things a bit frustrating about many games.
The "everybody knows" factor, no tutorial, no manual, no demo to try before you buy.
If there is a manual, not listed alphabetically.
Nonintuitive interfaces. Ya know kids, things were not always deliberately buried
in layer after layer of drop down menus.
A popup on the screen said something to me like "Do you want to claim the bonus" and showed a picuture of a rectangular box, like a locker or something. "This is where it is". Well, I looked for about six years, still have not found it.
A bit belated reply here; but I just started playing this a few days ago...
I'm also "older" (over 60yrs), and can relate. It's a large (bigger than a person) "box" (or, locker) in your "main office", once you progress out of the very first "Neuromod" area (into the Talos Lobby area). It has all the "bonus" stuff in it. (And those that don't want them can merely not loot the box, or drop the goodies that were in it if they picked them up).