Posted April 03, 2015
Ok, the news of what will be fixed in the upcoming patch is astounding. Cannot wait, and really hope the patch does the trick and doesn't inadvertently cause other issues. I know the major fixes are retroactive and will fix your current save, but I'd planned on starting with a different character anyway SO:
Right now I'm playing a mage. and at first I was worried when the first 2 characters I recruited were ANOTHER mage and a fighter. But the strategy I developed worked amazing with that trio - placing my mages side by side or on opposite sides (depending on situation) and having my fighter sneak in and lure the enemies into a double casting of fan of flames. Pretty awesome. My mage used points leftover from lore and put them in mechanics. Then I met Durance who's mechanics skill was 1 higher than mine (5) at lvl 4. I then wished my main had put them into stealth instead but alas it was too late.
I'm torn between these building these 3 characters:
1) A Wizard who is mainly a wizard (lore) but has every extra point I can spare put directly into stealth .... a Stealth Wizard
2) A pure Rogue with points in both stealth and mechanics (not a fan of Durance, not gonna get him again) who specializes in missle attacks (war bow, arbalast, blunderbuss, etc)
3)A Ranger with stealth and survival skills (almost the same as #2 but without points in mechanics) ... and he can start with a damn GRIZZLY!!! (from what I hear anyway, haven't tried myself yet)
1.)I have a basic to mediocre understanding of the 6 main attributes and what they do, but some of you I'm sure know better than I. I am a min/max 'er (baldur's gate, ToEE, the real Fallout games- there are only 2) when it comes to character creation, I would appreciate your thoughts on which attributes for each of these 3 can be a dump stat.
2.)A great race and background that compliments these character types.
3.)Am i right in thinking you should stick to ONLY 2 traits on lvl ups (i.e. Lore and Stealth), one being your main the other being your secondary? Seems if you spread more than that you are building a Jack of all (weak) Trades ...
4.)Your opinion on which of these 3 you would enjoy playing best.
I'm going to dive into my huge backlog of point & clicks I missed back in the day while waiting for the patch
I welcome all opinions on this and thanks in advance for your thoughts!
To add:
I know I can just make up the whole team myself (like how I played ToEE .. I think, been awhile), but I'd prefer my first full playthrough with only in-game recruits ..... my second play I will likely create my entire team at the inn
Right now I'm playing a mage. and at first I was worried when the first 2 characters I recruited were ANOTHER mage and a fighter. But the strategy I developed worked amazing with that trio - placing my mages side by side or on opposite sides (depending on situation) and having my fighter sneak in and lure the enemies into a double casting of fan of flames. Pretty awesome. My mage used points leftover from lore and put them in mechanics. Then I met Durance who's mechanics skill was 1 higher than mine (5) at lvl 4. I then wished my main had put them into stealth instead but alas it was too late.
I'm torn between these building these 3 characters:
1) A Wizard who is mainly a wizard (lore) but has every extra point I can spare put directly into stealth .... a Stealth Wizard
2) A pure Rogue with points in both stealth and mechanics (not a fan of Durance, not gonna get him again) who specializes in missle attacks (war bow, arbalast, blunderbuss, etc)
3)A Ranger with stealth and survival skills (almost the same as #2 but without points in mechanics) ... and he can start with a damn GRIZZLY!!! (from what I hear anyway, haven't tried myself yet)
1.)I have a basic to mediocre understanding of the 6 main attributes and what they do, but some of you I'm sure know better than I. I am a min/max 'er (baldur's gate, ToEE, the real Fallout games- there are only 2) when it comes to character creation, I would appreciate your thoughts on which attributes for each of these 3 can be a dump stat.
2.)A great race and background that compliments these character types.
3.)Am i right in thinking you should stick to ONLY 2 traits on lvl ups (i.e. Lore and Stealth), one being your main the other being your secondary? Seems if you spread more than that you are building a Jack of all (weak) Trades ...
4.)Your opinion on which of these 3 you would enjoy playing best.
I'm going to dive into my huge backlog of point & clicks I missed back in the day while waiting for the patch
I welcome all opinions on this and thanks in advance for your thoughts!
To add:
I know I can just make up the whole team myself (like how I played ToEE .. I think, been awhile), but I'd prefer my first full playthrough with only in-game recruits ..... my second play I will likely create my entire team at the inn
Post edited April 03, 2015 by kmh12177