Aran_Linvail: Me too. I wonder about this choice they made, why not make it something bigger like 15 or so, to stop from getting to top lvl too much time before finishing the game.
Santiago: The way I see it, that's a decision you always have to make in a game like this. The game must be completable by people who don't play all the optional quests and yet people who complete everything shouldn't be so overpowered that nothing can threaten them anymore. Capping it like this is the best compromise two serve both these masters.
I actually don't agree with that, I firmly believe if you spend much more time than average building your character to make him stronger and better equipped, you should be able to show it by the end game. Of course, I'm not saying lvl cap = lvl 20, but something like 15, wouldn't be THAT much stronger that is gamebreaking, while at the same time it would be an improvement over those who reached 8-10 by just focusion on the main campaing and few side quests and no endless path done, for example.
I feel, having reached the lvl cap while having an entire act ( III ) and a whole LOT of side quests yet to finish, that my character was simply not allowed to level up just because, and it's not a great feeling, myself being a guy who likes to complete most if not all quests available for me I feel a lot of work just didn't translate into improvement for my character. In the end I just skipped Tier 2 and up for the bounties quest from the Fortress, cause I already had a bunch of side quests to finish before going to the end of the main quests and I had reached lvl 12 like 5 hs before. Nothing to gain, after all.
Of course, that's just my opinion and everyone's entitled to their own, but yeah, that's mine.