InEffect: then you failed her quest.
disi: I would call it a more true to herself outcome. I would not have forgiven the chief...
oh the chief killing is fine-ish(she won't live at a critical point, but you can finish the quest). Nilak dead is what breaks it.
that's my main gripe with the game. if you RP evil - literally everyone dies at the end. and even if you don't half of your crew might permanently die on a dice roll.
that and end stretch being bullshit as a whole. didn't buy hendreds of scrolls? tough shit. pray you had a hard save not too far! endless reloads cause RNG is king there, etc. that's worse than deep caverns in underrail. that one at least only has where the hell do I go problem on the1st run and is fine after you know what to do and doesn't have DM bullshit. I would literally walk out of the table if DM pulled something like that and never returned. which is a shame, cause the rest of the game is awesome.
only thing that makes is bearable you can skip directly to Nyrissa with dimension door.