QuadDamage85: Thanks @OrDoS170
https://imgur.com/8EMsclk 7 strength. rolled below 3 damage combined on a damage dice. 3 damage -2 penalty = 1 damage
finesse doesn't give you damage. just ab until you get slashing/piercing grace feat(bad for aldori cause you have to drop 2nd hand entirely) or 3 levels of rogue
aldori is the best fighter subclass for tanking and works really well with single class progression, but you can not afford to dump str on it if you are doing so. actually aldori gains literally nothing from going dex. best thing about the class that he can sport plate+shield and settle for dex13. dex aldori17/rogue3 can be done, but it's slow progression and you will be behind the curve all game.
technically you can go duelist with dex aldori too but it would be slow and painful in terms of progression(would end up something like aldori9/duelist7/monk2/stalwart1/vivisectionist1 at least that's what I would do were I to go this route or maybe take something with fast uncanny access for the last 2) but realistically all duelist does there is compensates for the need to go without a shield with no good mechanical reason for it as pure str aldori gets the same AC/damage and some attack on top of it without any expense and without the need to pump int.
if you want aldori-ish dex playstyle go sword saint magus with an elf. (I have detailed guide on dex scion that does the same but with cha instead if int). then you can go slashing grace with aldori sword and lose nothing for it. you also will pick up loads of AC along the way. most dex classes that dump str solve first 3 levels by taking tartuccio's crossbow as those are not affected by str at all. human can get slashing/peircing grace and finesse at lvl1 on any class with bonus martial feat or one of the three needed. fighters can get it by lvl2 on any race.