Posted April 23, 2019

Race: Human
Alignment: LG
Str: 10 > 11* @20
Dex: 16
Con: 18 > 22
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 14
*can be dumped for 19 > 24 Con if you want.
Final Build: Kineticist 19/Monk(Scaled Fist) 1
Main skills: Mobility 3, Persuasion Max
Suggested secondary skills: Perception, UMD(Spare)
Detailed leveling breakdown:
Lvl 1: Kineticist - Weapon Finesse // Dodge // Fire // Fan of Flames
Lvl 2: Monk - Crane Style
Lvl 3: Kineticist - Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Elemental Whispers: Lizard
Lvl 4: Kineticist - Kinetic Blade
Lvl 5: Kineticist - Outflank // Fire: Dazzling Display
Lvl 6: Kineticist - Extended Range
Lvl 7: Kineticist - Crane Wing // Fire: Dreadful Carnage
Lvl 8: Kineticist - Water > Water Blast
Lvl 9: Kineticist - Shatter Defenses // Expanded Defense: Shroud of Water
Lvl 10: Kineticist - Flash Infusion
Lvl 11: Kineticist - Crane Riposte // Fire’s Fury
Lvl 12: Kineticist - Wall
Lvl 13: Kineticist - Blind Fight // Fire: Persuasive
Lvl 14: Kineticist - Grappling Infusion
Lvl 15: Kineticist - Improved Critical: Kinetic Blast // Water: Improved Blind Fight
Lvl 16: Kineticist - Air > Electricity
Lvl 17: Kineticist - Toughness // Skill Focus: Persuasion
Lvl 18: Kineticist - Cloud
Lvl 19: Kineticist - Greater Blind Fight // Tidal Wave
Lvl 20: Kineticist - Metakinesis: Empower // Blade Whirlwind
Gear: LG monk robes(at armags), Bracers and other AC goodies, +Stat items. Nothing too important. IF you get gloves of valor you would be able to use those juicy kinetic circlets and retain most of AC.
Bit of a stuffle to level 6 as we skipped ranged talents. Good news are we have Fan of flames instead, so gather power low and burn them. Not very complicated. Don’t be too afraid to take burn as that will be compensated with extra stats(don’t forget to tune those on) and ab/damage at 3/5/7. +6Dex +4Con is likely what you’ll use or the most part. Endgame plan is grappling Infusion Wall and Cloud.
Composite Blasts for Cloud/Wall. Fire for kinetic Blade. Tidal Wave is good AoE damage at a reasonable burn. Manage burn with gather power. If you are out of combat it’s not a bad plan to use gather power and cast something big for free.
Once you get Shroud of Water(shield) always burn yourself with it. The AC is invariably worth it.
Will give it a spin.