newman1702: Frankly, shortly after trying this out I have to say I'm completely bored with the game. The non-combat parts are so-so; a bit clunky gameplay, nothing terribly interesting. But the combat is very clumsily executed, and I found myself repeatedly getting into fights that go bad not because of bad decisions I made, but because of clumsy interface, horrible cover system that isn't all that useful, and pretty unintuitive and clumsy game mechanics. Add to that the fact you can't save mid-mission but can only restart it, and you'll find yourself repeatedly restarting the same mission over and over because you can't seem to get used to the clumsy combat system.
I can see your points and too a large extent I agree as well, but to me they are only minor irritations. For me the only game breaker is the lack of save options mid mission. I can turn a blind eye to the rest. If it was made by the same people who made Tropico it certainly lacks the polish of that game.
I see a lot of promise with this game, but at this stage I will hold off playing and hope that in mission saves are implemented. I am suprised about the lack of saves mid mission as so many games not having this have sold so badly.
Not sorry I purchased it, just like Skyrim wait for the patches.
Cheers Markl