vonHardenberg: Following the usual pattern, I'd have expected the usual X%-Off-Sale that followed all of the major updates. So far nothing here, and as someone mentioned, it's way past the business hours in the EU.
The Steam update came pretty late. I'd say we calm the heck down and wait for tomorrow before breaking out the torches and pitchforks.
Yeah, I'm miffed too, especially since you can't swing a dead puppy around without hitting a NMS news article as we speak, but of now, there's no one around to answer questions, neither in Poland nor the UK.
I get the anxiety but I'm going to wait a day or so to let the dust settle and get some OMFG hints from the NMS subreddit.
So far it sounds like all bases are borked, even ones on freighters, so that nice Stasis Device assembly line you had set up is no more. It seems to be possible to build a new base anywhere but to get back even part of your existing planetary base requires the old way of finding an available one and claiming it.
Conflicting reports on the condition of multiple ships on freighters. Some (but not all? (unclear)) ships can be summoned planetside.
Tech all seems to be obsoleted. Many changes to the elements, so even if you could recover your storage units (also unclear) much of the stash is toast.
It's looking more and more like the only viable way forward is a new start.
Some things seem to be kept, for example whichever ship you currently had as your prime (probably (also not completely clear (yet))).