misscrabtree456: If that's the case, why don't they work when I use the same Mods, in the same way as I did before. Man, i wish I had some clue why they don't work.
Cause the MODs you using are outdated, which is the reason I been making MODs myself, as very few authors spend time updating their files.
alt3rn1ty: Whether its for steam version of the game, or the gog version of the game, a lot of mods need to be re-done to work correctly with the beyond update, whether its due to VR, or Vulkan, or simply the scripts need to be taken from the game because they have changed so much and re-modified .. Mods need to be made compatible with beyond.
Mod authors may be wisely holding off on updating, because Hellogames are still doing tons of fixes after beyond which may mean any mod updates would pretty quickly need yet another update to keep up with the changes.
Honestly there's no reason to hold back, none of the recent patches and/or hotfixes touch the assets, they focused on libraries and the game main exe (both of which don't affect MODs whasoever).
Currently the MBINCompiler is still being updated for Beyond though, making good progress and we can already MOD a good chunk of assets again.