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Johntodd: WOW!

Come to desolate planet Vacua and try the Airless Racetrack! It's Out-Of-This-World!

Geobays provided for summoning.
Rather come to Pustota, since that's were the floating glass clubhouse and the track are located ;)

The track is a fun ride, especially since the low-grav env provides for great manouvring opportunities, which can be watched from the observation deck located on top of the clubhouse tower.

John even included a very spectacular jump _right over the observation deck_.. Of couse I failed kind of miserably at that, slamming myself into the side of the tower.

That's a very fine build, the clubhouse really fits the env, the track is great and the teleport network is quite extensive, so we old farts don't even need to use our jetpack

Thanks for this one, John :]

Edit: No Colossus Exobay though :(

Edit2: On my 2nd run, the game actually saved my time. And I got a pic of me allmost making it over the observation deck.
Post edited October 05, 2019 by ksj8ak2
ksj8ak2: Rather come to Pustota, since that's were the floating glass clubhouse and the track are located ;)

The track is a fun ride,
Thank you so much!

That track is a hoot to race on.

UPDATE: All 4 land-based geobays are provided for summoning your favorite exocraft!

HINT for racers: When you hit the jump ramps, boost it and also jump your craft. You'll clear everything and also almost make it into orbit!
Post edited October 05, 2019 by Johntodd
UPDATE: All 4 land-based geobays are provided for summoning your favorite exocraft on Pustota.

(LOL! Colussus will NOT make it over the clubhouse!)
Post edited October 05, 2019 by Johntodd
There is also a racetrack around the Goggekium Hotel. :)
Faust_3D: There is also a racetrack around the Goggekium Hotel. :)
Gonna hafta' try this one!
That's fun! I like the Airless Racetrack very much - but I really do need more training with the exocrafts... There are some new craters on the planet and bumps in the tower now ;)

What do you think? Should we split threads for documentation? For example a thread for Race tracks or one for 'registered' bases / places of interest? Everything is really growing fast :)
rostfreyh: That's fun! I like the Airless Racetrack very much - but I really do need more training with the exocrafts... There are some new craters on the planet and bumps in the tower now ;)

What do you think? Should we split threads for documentation? For example a thread for Race tracks or one for 'registered' bases / places of interest? Everything is really growing fast :)
Thank you so much!

As for splitting threads - I was just wondering if anybody here can set up a website for us.

I'm a trained journalist and photographer from way back (Navy), so I can write stuff about stuff and other stuff, but I don't have the programming chops to do a website.

If we had our own website, or maybe a section of Gog itself, then w could do some really nice things. For example, we could drop the URL and a recruiting blurb in the in-game chat to advertise and recruit new members.

At the Airless Race Track:

I've added a toilet down there by the geobays, in case any of our racers need to make a "pit stop".

Here's a screen shot of Rost testing out the facilities.
456.jpg (136 Kb)
Post edited October 06, 2019 by Johntodd
rostfreyh: That's fun! I like the Airless Racetrack very much - but I really do need more training with the exocrafts... There are some new craters on the planet and bumps in the tower now ;)

What do you think? Should we split threads for documentation? For example a thread for Race tracks or one for 'registered' bases / places of interest? Everything is really growing fast :)
Johntodd: Thank you so much!

As for splitting threads - I was just wondering if anybody here can set up a website for us.

I'm a trained journalist and photographer from way back (Navy), so I can write stuff about stuff and other stuff, but I don't have the programming chops to do a website.

If we had our own website, or maybe a section of Gog itself, then w could do some really nice things. For example, we could drop the URL and a recruiting blurb in the in-game chat to advertise and recruit new members.

I can do Word Press website.
Johntodd: Here's a screen shot of Rost testing out the facilities.
He got a headpat for that later.
Johntodd: Thank you so much!

As for splitting threads - I was just wondering if anybody here can set up a website for us.

I'm a trained journalist and photographer from way back (Navy), so I can write stuff about stuff and other stuff, but I don't have the programming chops to do a website.

If we had our own website, or maybe a section of Gog itself, then w could do some really nice things. For example, we could drop the URL and a recruiting blurb in the in-game chat to advertise and recruit new members.

Faust_3D: I can do Word Press website.
Well, I don't know if it's really necessary for the moment. It's true that we would have more possibilities but most people don't want to visit another third party forum or tend to forget about it after a while, I think.

We could also point interested people to a (maybe sticky) thread in here. The advantage is that people already have an account. And it's easy to stop by from time to time to see news - even if you don't play NMS at the moment. Because of this I'd prefer to keep the news in here. I don't know if it's worth the effort as an additional forum.

But I'd really love to see a 'Traveller's Guide to [GoG]inized space' thread or something like this. Only the lack of possibility to implement screenshots in a better way is a pain in the neck.

Speaking of screenshots, Johntodd & Boerdromion: Hey! Respect my privacy - I didn't have my make-up on for this! ;-)
Idea of static website with basic information and pictures of cool stuff is appealing to me because it can be shared with larger NMS community. Steam users can see our bases and visit and they will not go to this forum. We also need to register with and did anyone figure out how to do this?
Post edited October 07, 2019 by Faust_3D
My idea for a dedicated website is based upon a couple of simple ideas:

1. It would hold all the information in one easy spot for new recruits and original ones like us.

and, most importantly,

2. Allow us to drop a simple, easy-to-remember URL in the chat window, along with an easy-to-remember recruiting blurb. I propose something like this:

Come to Gogus Prime and help us settle this beautiful planet!
Visit www . GogSpace . com for more info!

That way all of us can memorize it easily, and also random players can remember the website after they log out of the game. Upon arrival at the site, we just make sure to have coords and glyphs at the top of the home page.

To me, it's all about making it easy for interested people to get the info. It's also about making it easy for us to give out the info. That little chat window in the game doesn't allow for a lot of interaction, but it does allow for some. Let's use it and get more players involved!

I think we can use Faust's wordpress site he has set up, but register to point directly at it.

Faust_3D: Idea of static website with basic information and pictures of cool stuff is appealing to me because it can be shared with larger NMS community. Steam users can see our bases and visit and they will not go to this forum. We also need to register with and did anyone figure out how to do this?
For the galactic atlas maybe it's still possible to add data here: ?

For gamepedia wiki there are some requirements mentionend in category 'Civilized Space'.

We'd need an 'ambassador' for both.

Registering with gamepedia is as easy as just creating an account with them. The rules of engagement for 'new civilizations' are noted here:

A SPOC (aka 'ambassador' ... lol) is required for both, and in the case of the nomanssky gamepedia subdomain maintenance to prevent deletion.

I'd suggest creating our own Gamepedia subdomain to use as information dump. From my experience as contributor, people are quick with adding new pages, slow with maintaining them and even slower with adopting templates / style guidelines. So we better keep it simple.

I'd like to note, that I am not interested in any of this 'official' (ambassador) kaboodle.

Lastly, I suggest the only 'rule' for people wanting to drop base be: 'Please don't build closer than 1000u to any other base'. And a few hints like 'Need something ? Just ask.', and 'We seek Galactic domination, therefore please name Star Systems you discover around GOG-87 like so:'

The last paragraph is a good example for what could go in the wiki. Next to no one will read it, but if people ask in-game, we'll have a place to point them to, instead of floodnig the chat.
Post edited October 07, 2019 by ksj8ak2