Posted October 05, 2019

Come to desolate planet Vacua and try the Airless Racetrack! It's Out-Of-This-World!
Geobays provided for summoning.
The track is a fun ride, especially since the low-grav env provides for great manouvring opportunities, which can be watched from the observation deck located on top of the clubhouse tower.
John even included a very spectacular jump _right over the observation deck_.. Of couse I failed kind of miserably at that, slamming myself into the side of the tower.
That's a very fine build, the clubhouse really fits the env, the track is great and the teleport network is quite extensive, so we old farts don't even need to use our jetpack
Thanks for this one, John :]
Edit: No Colossus Exobay though :(
Edit2: On my 2nd run, the game actually saved my time. And I got a pic of me allmost making it over the observation deck.
Post edited October 05, 2019 by ksj8ak2