Giltonnam: It's states 2 different locations depending on if I'm MOTB or NWN2. only (Meaning if I own/have installed the expansions?).\
Hickory: It really does help to read the store description:
"Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete includes the original game, and three expansions: Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Zehir, and Mysteries of Westgate."
It also helps to not be a shitbag to others and actually try helping/explaining what the mod author means. As i said I have the complete so I have all expansions so you should have understood what you just said is utterly worthless (It really does help to read. Or maybe you should work on your comprehension skills?).
Does it mean that if I want the mod to work for NWN base i put it in one place and for MOTB I put it in another? Or does it mean if I have the complete version to just put it in the place listed for MOTB and it works for all things?
I've used mods for other games that require files in different areas for different portions of "complete" games.