LoganMalone: What are your views and comments about installing NWN1 Community Patch 1.71 (final) regarding the changes it makes to the game version 1.69 ???
I'm new to NWN and want the best experience possible. Any honest comments are welcome.
Community patch fixes broken spells/mechanics to be how it suppose to be according to 3.5e
While at same time removing hard coded limits to the engine.
http://www.neverwinternights.info/p170.htm Official/unofficial? download here:
http://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/other/patch/community-patch-project Lot of it is for module builders/admins
but here is small list of some stuff just as player to be excited about
I am just listing stuff you would notice in say orginal campaign and this isn't complete list just some stuff I personally am happy about from that perspective, this is all taken
from the 1.71 patch notes.
- Formian queen speed changed to very slow (was immobile which caused AI issues - didn't cast spells)
- healing spells were replaced for harming spells from Baelnorn, Dracolich and Vampire Priest
- fixed special AI for summoned shadow from SD feat
- Harper scout can take martial weapon proficiency when leveling (NWN Wiki)
- Assassin can take epic skill focus: use magic device as a general epic bonus feat
- Wizards, Clerics and Druids can now take epic spells at class level 17 provided they fullfils other prerequisities
- Sorcerers can now take epic spells at class level 18 provided they fullfils other prerequisities
- whip can be dual wielded
- major change in scrolls, all classes now can cast scrolls of the spells they have in their spell list. This means that Bard no longer can automatically cast all scrolls without UMD skill, and Assassin, Harper Scout, Blackguard and Pale Master now can cast from some spellscrolls too.
-Drider animation fix
- shrinked oversized gnome shin and forearm models to 70% of their size
- fixed double respawn bug
- fixed action cancel from death effect if the character is immune
- fixed a bug in "target check" function that made creatures to hurt themselves with their spells on higher difficulties
- magic immunity is applied before spell mantle effect. Which means, that for example Fire Arrow spell won't remove spell mantle effect if the target is also protected by globe of invulnerability spell
- confused creatures will now attack only those they can see or hear
- creatures inside (multiple) AOEs won't stop attacking. Also they wont teleport to the caster once he leave the current area.(this made the game a joke)
This is really just small list...
at time of this writing 1.72 beta 14 is actually newest... with dll's version 1.18d
Those are beta developer versions really though
If you are curious why module builders/admins are typically more excited about it than average player...
General fixes changes
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SVjtjCGf_ybAK-EnKh6_mQd6Ef1xw0xeQdubN6Rj7_U/edit?pref=2&pli=1 Custom spell classes without doing hacky way PRC had to do it.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I1L8ItbSs9S-EjArBxing00jMUyvioSRIriI-1aq0iY/edit?pref=2&pli=1 Two things I have played around with the most is boomerang and custom spell classes... now if I only had the will to build server , have been thinking on it.
Neverwinter Nights is old enough to been hacked properly through and through almost unlocking everything :)
That pretty much should answer ALL questions on the community patch.