Posted September 01, 2018
I am new to the community and so unfamiliar with some 'errors' in my 'MYST Masterpiece' game. I Also posted this thread in the 'General Discussion'., but 'BRE0172' make me aware of the 'Subfora'.
I am facing 2 problems.
1- Can I access a menubar with a lot of possibilies (see original manual) ? If yes ... how ?
2- I can not load saved items. They excist in the program [*.mym and *.mys], but when I select them, I only come to see the ceiling dome picture and able to continue but NOT with the saved one !?
Additional info is: I install GOG and the game not in default dir., but in D:\GOG Galaxy\Games\*.*
Is it required to save 'in Cloud' ?!
Please can someone help me !?
Regards, Guus.
I am new to the community and so unfamiliar with some 'errors' in my 'MYST Masterpiece' game. I Also posted this thread in the 'General Discussion'., but 'BRE0172' make me aware of the 'Subfora'.
I am facing 2 problems.
1- Can I access a menubar with a lot of possibilies (see original manual) ? If yes ... how ?
2- I can not load saved items. They excist in the program [*.mym and *.mys], but when I select them, I only come to see the ceiling dome picture and able to continue but NOT with the saved one !?
Additional info is: I install GOG and the game not in default dir., but in D:\GOG Galaxy\Games\*.*
Is it required to save 'in Cloud' ?!
Please can someone help me !?
Regards, Guus.
This question / problem has been solved by BreOl72