Posted April 16, 2011

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States

euh what?
Registered: May 2009
From Netherlands
Posted April 16, 2011
oh didnt know that never had the original :D i had the collection on cd tough but lost a cd thats why i bought it here wich im glad since i didnt played it seriously before expect for 6 tough.

M&M10 Team
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted April 16, 2011
MM1 comes with a whole pad of 15x15 official Might & Magic grid paper. I've used it and it's a lot of fun, and very user friendly!

euh what?
Registered: May 2009
From Netherlands
Posted April 17, 2011
i had the problem not knowing where on thje grid to start drawing dont want it tto end at the end of my paper

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted April 17, 2011
Every map is a 16x16 grid, numbered 0-15 on both sides. If you cast the level 1 sorcerer spell "location", it will tell you your current coordinates and which direction you are facing. For example, it will say 3,4 N. This means you are 4 squares in from the left edge of the map (0,1,2,3) and 5 squares up from the bottom of the map (0,1,2,3,4) and you are facing north. So you know where to start drawing your map on the grid paper.

euh what?
Registered: May 2009
From Netherlands
Posted April 17, 2011
thanks for the advise it makes it more logical to draw a map my party is lvl 4 btw but i notice health you get each lvl is random/? Because my paladin has very low health.

New User
Registered: Mar 2010
From Canada
Posted April 17, 2011
Yeah, I should have warned you to massively save/reload for each training session to ensure you get the best HP rolls

euh what?
Registered: May 2009
From Netherlands
Posted April 17, 2011
its ok makes a bit persoenal a paladin who cant take as much hits as the robber in the party who has more health hes lvl 4 same as the paladin but the robber has hp 23 and the paladin 18 lol i gave the paladin a great bow and use him as an archer.
Post edited April 17, 2011 by hercufles

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted April 17, 2011

In MM2, it also mattered which town you trained in. The later towns were more expensive but would also give you more health per level. I do not know if the same is true in MM1. Anyone know?
Overall though I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless your Paladin's Endurance is very low. I spent the whole game training in Sorpigal and I never saved and reloaded to maximize my health gains, and I didn't have any trouble. I noticed that gaining levels made the biggest difference in combat, so if you are finding that fights are tough, just seek out easier ones until you'll able to gain a few levels.

Sneaky Lurker
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States

Flying Squirrel!
Registered: Mar 2010
From Canada
Posted April 18, 2011

Robbers got screwed hardcore. My Robber ended up having less HP than my Sorcerer despite having doubt the Endurance!

Sneaky Lurker
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States

Flying Squirrel!
Registered: Mar 2010
From Canada
Posted April 18, 2011
I'm 80% sure that additional attacks are gained at set levels based on class.

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted April 18, 2011
I am 100% sure of this. Knights, Paladins and Archers will all get an additional attack when they reach a certain level (the same level for all of them). I'm pretty sure it's level 8. There's also a level at which they will get a third attack, but I don't remember what it is as I think I'd technically finished the game by the time I got to it.
But even ignoring the health and spell levels, gaining character levels just generally helps with everything. Fighters will hit more often, casters will have their spells work more reliably, etc. A fight that is super tough at one level will become a pushover after your characters gain a few levels, even if you don't get any new spells or extra attacks.
EDIT: I just looked at the manual, and it says that the number of hit points your character starts the game with is the max number he or she can gain per level. It will go up if you increase your Endurance though.
Also, just to clarify for spell levels, a new spell level is gained every two levels. But not all classes level at the same speed... sorcerers are slowest I believe so it can take a bit to get the highest level spells.
But even ignoring the health and spell levels, gaining character levels just generally helps with everything. Fighters will hit more often, casters will have their spells work more reliably, etc. A fight that is super tough at one level will become a pushover after your characters gain a few levels, even if you don't get any new spells or extra attacks.
EDIT: I just looked at the manual, and it says that the number of hit points your character starts the game with is the max number he or she can gain per level. It will go up if you increase your Endurance though.
Also, just to clarify for spell levels, a new spell level is gained every two levels. But not all classes level at the same speed... sorcerers are slowest I believe so it can take a bit to get the highest level spells.
Post edited April 18, 2011 by Waltorious

Flying Squirrel!
Registered: Mar 2010
From Canada
Posted April 18, 2011
Sorcerers, Paladins and Archers level at the same speed, as do Knights, Robbers and Clerics. The former group requires more experience.