SamKuker101: With my 5 sorc book build and healing over heroism, holding cities has been just shy of impossible with standard troops.
I will have to try the word of recall, or drop a few sorc books for warlord. + war colleges.
Another tip: Gnolls, trolls and klackons (oh my!) are horrible at producing mana, as are dwarves. You know what they're good for? Using SC/WoR to feed elven or other settlers into their city, allowing you to take over their continent with a race you can actually use.
EvilLoynis: Yeah I never really summon anything when playing this build. Other than Magic/Guardian Spirits and Hero/Champions/Torrin. Actually the only time I ever bother with summoned creatures at all is when I play all Death for the Wraith start.
The only enchantments I ever need upkeep for is perhaps Endure, Wind/Pathfinding, Flame Blade and maybe a few others if I ever get them. Oh and early on Resist Elements is great for helping take down Sprites as those damn things are annoying.
I am not really sure how to tell when it's mid game, or more specifically when it changes from begin to mid. I see late game as when most Nodes on Myrror are being taken by comp. I mean since I only play on Impossible the computer cheats like crazy so it's hard to tell at which point most consider it midgame since they expand so damn quick it's not funny.
I never seem to get Incarnation; with only two Life books, the odds are against me. And in general any enchantments outside of combat go into items; that way they can never be dispelled. I only buff my troops on the fly, in specific encounters as needed.
My definition of mid-game is when I'm ready to go node mining on Myrror for spell books and retorts; which is about the time all the other wizards have introduced themselves to me anyway. And yeah, on Impossible that usually means that at least one of them has already declared war within five rounds of saying hi.
Late game for me is when I'm ready to go on an empire-conquering rampage; this usually consists of all six heroes attacking the biggest PITA* wizard's fortress, then splitting up to grab three or four of their nearby cities before they finish casting Spell of Return. This is when SC/WoR comes into its own; I can stock my land grab with elite shock troops, and fly off to do the whole thing again. And again. And again....
*Pain in the ass, in case you didn't know. ;)
EDIT: Apparently one of the perks of Insecticide is auto-alchemy when your gold goes over 30K. (It may work the other way too; I haven't tested it yet.) This means that by the late game, I pretty much never have to worry about running out of mana ever again! A nice touch, when the patch's creators themselves tell you that Normal = Hard, Extreme = Impossible, and Impossible = Die In a Fiery Flaming Firepit of Flame.