Magmarock: So do you just ad that line in the system properties and does this work for other games? Also this mod look epic, when will it be available. I've never actually finished the first blood omen, so I want to wait till this is out before I start to play it.
Uhh, what you need to do is right click the shortcut itself, select its properties and put that into the "Target:" line (first line in the shortcut tab), but as I said you can't just copy paste it, you need to change the drive letters wherever you see them in that to where you personal install is, mine was drive N: yours may be different.
This only works for the one program from that particular shortcut, so you don't have to go into Windows Task Manager and do it every time you start the game.
P.S. If you are waiting for Omnicide I have the demo and it installs off your disk, it also aplies all fixes needed to run the game and in 1920x1080 it is very, very looked forward to once they finish it and nip out the bugs.