paci2020: Would like to know the price of the Gold Edition here. Need to put some money aside for it.
the price will be similar with the other marketplaces.
paci2020: I can reason out why there needs to be a significant lead time before a GOG release. I fear too many people already wish GOG and platforms like it did not exist and may have plans in the works to make that happen. I am praying hard that they fail. Have a backlog of other games to play in the meantime.
obviously the reason for the delay is piracy, having this buffer where the game works only with drm allows them to force some people to not pirate the game.
paci2020: I fear too many people already wish GOG and platforms like it did not exist and may have plans in the works to make that happen. I am praying hard that they fail.
they are not many, no gamer wants less flexibility or more drm on their games, just the usual rich hoarders that want to steal everything, they don't even want to sell a product and make money out of it, they want to get the money without providing nothing. there is a huge market in the future where if you don't have access to your games, they can just sell them to you all over again. Recently EA just released the Sims 1 and 2 behind a hefty price just because people can't make their old versions work on modern systems. There may be a small minority that will want to buy those games to experience them for the first time but lets be honest, is people that played those games in the past that will pay for them all over again. Just look at gog, I can get back into games that I've played back in the day, I can accept their "flaws" but is hard to impossible for me to play games I have no history with. Those games I've never experienced that I can play without going mad are very few.
paci2020: Have a backlog of other games to play in the meantime.
yeap, a few years ago I've learned the lesson to not chase the hype. the first kingdom game was not so great when it was released, but after a while with the dlcs and the graphic updates and the sounds and the patches, when I've finally played I've enjoy it as it deserved.