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DarzaR: Chunk'o'steel & Compound17 are both indestructible
MitchShudlem: Just a note, as someone might read it out of context, Chunks are destructible by merge.
Ok, ill clarify it then as "indestructible by means of explosive or water damage being discussed there". I thought its clear, but why not make it better (many other items are also possible to make them cease to exist by one or another way).
Upd. I think i used some really bad word choice there: Water cannot destroy item at all, it can only damage it up to 1%, so indestructible is sorta misleading, sorry.

DarzaR: Some bonus oddities: there are also flags/properties of "repairable" (being able to be repaired by mechanic), "metal" (receive only half damage from explosions and triggering MetalDetector)
MitchShudlem: What does "triggering MetalDetector" mean? I thought MetalDetector is only to detect mines.
No, to detect any "buried" (set to be invisible) Metal item. You can also find buried money (S28) and a knife (S39) in this game using it (no other such items in vanilla game, SectorData.pdf list them as "buried"). Problem is that the way they did items, player will also see detectable (not special triggers/explosives) "buried" items simply while standing on them (in Inventory screen), and it seemd to complicated to make it work more reasonable way, as far i can recall (as its sorta of no use without modding anyway, due to scarcity of such items).
Upd: very technically speaking items hidden in boxes and other objects work exactly same way, so there are many such items in game, but they all are inaccessible to stand on them "fair" way, and MetalDetector have a special rule preventing it from searching for items in objects.

DarzaR: Every quest item is floatable, except Headstone.
MitchShudlem: Are you sure about that? The Headstone will just sink? That would be tough, would almost mean you lost the whole campaign (not that it doesn't make sense, it's a pile of stone).
As far i can recall i even tested it in past, but should be fast to do the same for you too i think. How come its make you lose the whole campaign btw? Its rather late in game. While getting Purifier drown is generally game over, contrary to it, assuming playing "conventional" way. Moreother, the whole idea of that Headstone quest is to swim for it; if it would just float to coast in case it would be really silly, id say.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by DarzaR
DarzaR: No, to detect any "buried" (set to be invisible) Metal item. You can also find buried money (S27) and a knife (S39) in this game using it (no other such items in vanilla game, SectorData.pdf list them as "buried"). Problem is that the way they did items, player will also see detectable (not special triggers/explosives) "buried" items simply while standing on them (in Inventory screen), and it seemd to complicated to make it work more reasonable way, as far i can recall (as its sorta of no use without modding anyway, due to scarcity of such items).
Right, I just forgot about those buried items, sorry. As I know their positions, I just pick them up (does it trigger wisdom rolls?), but I also remember using MetalDetector for that in the past.

DarzaR: As far i can recall i even tested it in past, but should be fast to do the same for you too i think. How come its make you lose the whole campaign btw? Its rather late in game. While getting Purifier drown is generally game over, contrary to it, assuming playing "conventional" way. Moreother, the whole idea of that Headstone quest is to swim for it; if it would just float to coast in case it would be really silly, id say.
I imagined that if you lose the Headstone, natives would require more and more salary raises each day until you would start losing money instead of earning it and go bankrupt. Of course, this applies to a very long campaign, like mine is (it is a quite early game for me). If you rushed a bit more, used only cost-effective mercenaries and maybe ommited some sectors, it would still be ok.
MitchShudlem: (does it trigger wisdom rolls?)
No, and it clearly intended, as roll directly check for the Mine.

MitchShudlem: I imagined that if you lose the Headstone, natives would require more and more salary raises each day until you would start losing money instead of earning it and go bankrupt.
Sure, it would hurt much, but by playing "slow" way, with cheap, but reliable mercs, player is full of money that stage of game usually. So it just should make player speed up advancing to S1 after realizing that income getting negative.
DarzaR: ToolKit is the only "combine-to-refill" item that is also repairable.
I had my doubts, so I tested it and no, ToolKit does not repair. I think you must have meant Locksmith's Kit as it matches the description of being both repairable and refillable by merge.
DarzaR: ToolKit is the only "combine-to-refill" item that is also repairable.
MitchShudlem: I had my doubts, so I tested it and no, ToolKit does not repair. I think you must have meant Locksmith's Kit as it matches the description of being both repairable and refillable by merge.
Ofc you're right, its just me me already bad and useless enough to make so many mistakes while typping one word. Ofc its LocksmithKit.
Thank you for your huge work on patch & info to JA1!
I have some questions @DarzaR:
1) ADR team still exists or it’s a matter of the past? How many were you and how many are you now? What plans have any of these people relating to JA1... any projects like editors or mods?
2) Can you add new hotkeys? Personaly I see strong need for hotkeys to following actions: crouch, see last message (e.g. critical hits, sound heard), continue path (same like clicking portraits when a merk has one still to reach destination). Also of lower priority would be: turn to, aim points decrease/increase, select a merk without centering on’em (1,2,... or shift+F1,shift+F2,...).
3) How helpful theoretically one editor can be? For purposes like edit already existing items/merks. And for adding new items/merks. Does it require hardcoding or editor could do job if someone created good one? Relating to this... can be Smoke Bomb (ID 20) & Eagle Smokeball (ID 21) easily “repaired” or it would again require new bits of hardcoding?
4) Do you know what types of archive this game uses to store its resources and what utility needed to extract’em?
Please make next better version of the JA1 patch mod - awesome.
Original post: "Hey DarzaR, are you still interested in bug reports? I am still replaying from time to time and have collected some saves and notes."

I cannot post, but it seems I can edit, so I will write it here.
I will try to recall the bugs, but it has been some time, so the list or the descriptions might not be complete.
Let's start with a note that I am referring to the latest patch, that is v1.15M, so these are only those bugs that are still left, or (which is unlikely, I suppose) are created involuntarily by DarzaR in an attempt to fix something else.

1. Going through water tiles comes with a hazard of a watersnake attack. But that should not apply to shallow water and every tile adjacent to the shore is a shallow water, so is supposed to be safe. Yet, sometimes you might get an attack even in shallow water, which is proved by the attached screenshot. This might happen if you would change the destination while at move. There are probably some re- and mis-calculations of the character position going on in such case. There is still a safe way of moving through water - just do not fiddle with your destination, wait until you have reached it, than make another step and you should be fine.

2. Repairing an item in a >100% condition (the existence of such is some sort of a bug in itself, but not disadvantageous) results in a negative condition. The way around it: just do not repair them, there is no reason to.

3. Now a much less innocent bug. Your whole inventory, except for what your mercenaries carry, can disappear. Sounds rough, but it is very rare, I don't remember it happening to me more than once. I don't know what conditions lead to it, so I also don't know how to prevent it. It may be related to another similar bug, in which it seems at first that everything have disappeared, but just one scroll of the inventory and it's back. That one is more frequent, but a non-issue. I have the severe one documented in a save.

4. Contrary to DarzaR's claim and seemingly against creators' intent, you actually can miss a shot standing just one tile away from the victim. The necessary conditions for this to happen are: the victim is brought to the ground and the direction is an intermediate direction, at least these are my conclusions from many tries. As for the latter condition, I am not sure whether it concerns all intermediate directions, but I am positive you can miss if you are to NE in relation to the victim, as I have kept a save after I had just missed such a shot. Probably the characters' relative positions are miscalculated in these conditions and it does not count as point-blank shot. The bug is not very severe as anyone lying on the ground poses no immediate threat plus you can just use a true direction and then you shouldn't miss.

To be continued
If anyone is reading this, you may consider making a post with reference to this post. It might help.
Post edited February 03, 2025 by MitchShudlem
I think you should post the things you've gathered even if DarzaR stepped away from working on this patch as it could still be of use and interesting to read.