Hi Manfromx, thanks for the help. I've been getting a few successful result with the CPU Grabber. A bit of pain having to alt tab and start the app under the same affinity setting. Sometimes the music (and the voice wasnt too loud either).
You can create a batch file that runs the cpugrab.exe and automatically binds it to the first CPU, then starts the game for you. This is what I do, although you'll still have to click "start" on the cpugrab window for it to kick in, as well as setting the CPU usage (unless you're into hex editing, in which case you can change offset 0x2010 in the cpugrab.exe file from 0x1E (30 decimal) to whatever suits your system)
@echo off
cmd.exe /c start /affinity 1 cpugrab.exe
set /p m=Click Start on CPU Grabber after setting value, then hit Enter in this window
start /w I76.exe -glide
Anyway, about the graphic, I've seen some youtube videos of a guy playing it in high res. What I meant was how do I set a custom resolution for the game? I'd like to play this with my native resolution (1680x1050). I completely understand about the low poly and everything, but I wanted to see if it can breath new life for this old classic game :)
If you download dgVoodoo (Be careful, the main site for this that google returns seems to be virus-laden. Someone posted a link in another thread to a clean copy) and unzip it into the Interstate 76 directory, the game will use it instead. Use the dgvoodoosetup.exe tool to choose your resolution and other settings. The game looks much better with this! Some settings result in graphical corruption. Here's what I use and it seems stable:
Renderer API: Direct3D9
Screen mode: Full screen
Screen bit depth: 16 bit
D3D textures bit depth: Optimal
Refresh Rate: Monitor freq is the closest supported freq
Force trilinear mipmapping
Autogenerate mipmaps
Texmem scaled to 4MB
Enable LFB access
Use hardware cache buffers when poss.
Use fastwrite for unmatching formats
Closer to a real hardware
Texture mem size: 16384KB
Resolution: 1920x1200
Enable Glide-gammaramp
I'm using a Radeon HD4870.