Madfoxinator: Sorry, Thought it may be lost in my post above but how do you get the blade for the dagger
***** SPOILER******
The one to accuse the judge
MikaVegan: I answered you few posts before already: The blade of the dagger is on the graveyard of the town (Hillbrandt Cemetary), near to an opened grave and North the building with the skeletons. (there's just one house)
ParaTr00per: In Asherbalt,
Sheriff Ulbrecht asked me to destroy the spider demon who has been killing his men in the iron mines lately.
I sweeped out iron mines, double checked every coner, can't find the spefic monster... Anyone found it?
MikaVegan: He said it's on the third level of the mine. Did you check that level carefully? I'm going there too I tell you if I find out more.
EDIT: I found the bad spider, i attached a screen of the map :)
my bad, i was seraching *orcs* cave level 3... :)