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MikaVegan: Q: I've received the letter to an bishop in Glatzburg, but I can't find that place on the map. How do I get there?
back to church,bishop will sent you to the new map
Post edited September 08, 2012 by focusauto
Katral: Got the same problem. I've no idea what I've missed so far, do you have to arrest the noblewoman first, and if so, how do I do that?
I solved that now by completing the iron mines, there you find two missed people of the town who'll help to solve the case. The dagger parts will be used as proof during the trial of the judge at the end of act 1.
The corpse will be inspected by the freed bishop who was arrested in the mine.
MikaVegan: Q: I've received the letter to an bishop in Glatzburg, but I can't find that place on the map. How do I get there?
focusauto: back to church,bishop will sent you to the new map
oh my, thanks ;)
Post edited September 08, 2012 by MikaVegan
I've already rescued the noblewoman and the priest, talked to them both completely but I can't get any more info out of them or try and arrest either the woman again or the judge.
Katral: Got the same problem. I've no idea what I've missed so far, do you have to arrest the noblewoman first, and if so, how do I do that?
MikaVegan: I solved that now by completing the iron mines, there you find two missed people of the town who'll help to solve the case. The dagger parts will be used as proof during the trial of the judge at the end of act 1.
The corpse will be inspected by the freed bishop who was arrested in the mine.
focusauto: back to church,bishop will sent you to the new map
MikaVegan: oh my, thanks ;)
Perhaps this question could use its own topic, but what have you all found to be the easiest and/or most enjoyable class to play?
it should indeed be in it's own topic, this own is already hard to follow with all the relevant posts :)
Speaking of which, my question kinda got buried a page ago, anyone in act 2 found the culprit for the undead crawling in the main town at night ?
Can't quite seem to be able to make the soldier spill the beans, even though everything accuses him.
Doenyon: it should indeed be in it's own topic, this own is already hard to follow with all the relevant posts :)
Speaking of which, my question kinda got buried a page ago, anyone in act 2 found the culprit for the undead crawling in the main town at night ?
Can't quite seem to be able to make the soldier spill the beans, even though everything accuses him.
You need to find the tintan or whatever his name is. I'll tidy it up a bit and divide topics, but right now I've got far too much work to worry about it
tinthan ? the guy which everyone tells me about ... ? I haven't found him, and I search nearly everything possible in act 2.. hummm guess I'll look more. :) thanks
Madfoxinator: Sorry, Thought it may be lost in my post above but how do you get the blade for the dagger

***** SPOILER******

The one to accuse the judge
MikaVegan: I answered you few posts before already: The blade of the dagger is on the graveyard of the town (Hillbrandt Cemetary), near to an opened grave and North the building with the skeletons. (there's just one house)
ParaTr00per: In Asherbalt,
Sheriff Ulbrecht asked me to destroy the spider demon who has been killing his men in the iron mines lately.

I sweeped out iron mines, double checked every coner, can't find the spefic monster... Anyone found it?
MikaVegan: He said it's on the third level of the mine. Did you check that level carefully? I'm going there too I tell you if I find out more.
EDIT: I found the bad spider, i attached a screen of the map :)
my bad, i was seraching *orcs* cave level 3... :)
Katral: I've already rescued the noblewoman and the priest, talked to them both completely but I can't get any more info out of them or try and arrest either the woman again or the judge.
You have to arrest both because both are heretics! If you already have the option talking to Jeremiah, then use it =)

Read just further if you want to know more:
You will not be able to torture the noblewoman because she is pregnant and the law forbids the torture of pregnant woman. Her husband will set her free and after that (maybe you have to talk to these judge and inquition people again) you will find her in front of her house (house of the baron) where she will tell you everything because she's afraid to be killed by the other heretics.
Then you have to accuse the person she told you worked with her and after torting him you have enough proofs to accuse the judge. He will escape but you can find him....
at the ritual place.
Post edited September 08, 2012 by MikaVegan
Hint to everyone: before going to the Iron Mines, prepare to stock up on several magical boxes, and as many health, stamina and mana potions as your inventory can hold. Do not expect to be able to carry much loot back from it because of this, and certainly do not expect to have fun. You have been warned.
Post edited September 08, 2012 by sear
sear: Hint to everyone: before going to the Iron Mines, prepare to stock up on several magical boxes, and as many health, stamina and mana potions as your inventory can hold. Do not expect to be able to carry much loot back from it because of this, and certainly do not expect to have fun. You have been warned.
sear: Hint to everyone: before going to the Iron Mines, prepare to stock up on several magical boxes, and as many health, stamina and mana potions as your inventory can hold. Do not expect to be able to carry much loot back from it because of this, and certainly do not expect to have fun. You have been warned.
Until level 3or 4 of the mine I really had kind of fun, but then it get worse... really straining experience.
for me it wasn't potions I was missing on...
It's more about the equipement, every level I had my whole stuff (including all weapons and spare weapons) entirely broken, so it was very hard to go deep.
Had to use magic box on some hard fights too.

And now I see that in act 2 there is not one deep dungeon (with portal) but 2... so I'm really not in a hurry to dive in.
Post edited September 08, 2012 by Doenyon
Doenyon: And now I see that in act 2 there is not one deep dungeon (with portal) but 2... so I'm really not in a hurry to dive in.
Thankfully, those are not as deep. Usually 3 or 4 levels.
Hello guys, i have a question.
I completed the Iron mines and killed the ghost paladin just before the orc leader. I looted the sword of Edmond D'arvias, but it seems i have sold it to a genie by accident. Is there any way to get it back so i can finish Edmond's quest?