charbon: I just finished the game. How the HELL are you supposed to beat the good-ending boss with the paladin or the thief ??? I was able to beat it only because, as a priest, I could spam dozens of hell hounds to keep it paralyzed the whole time, otherwise it just seemed impossible.
Lucky you. I can't wait to get rid of this annoying game, the combat that is.
I guess one can use genies hopefully.. I have 300,000 gold so I'm going to buy an entire inventory with magical boxes before I venture to the place where you meet him. :P
charbon: Nicolas gives you a quest and offers to join you after you complete it, but you would have to fire soldier what's his name from Hillbrandt because they don't get along.
So it's only a side quest? I've no energy to reload my save just before I stormed the Paladin Order, I would have to replay 3 hours of gametime. Thanks for the info anyway.