hector_evil: Don´t Buy this game
The scenarios are not willing adapted to the current panoramic format ...
The modeled are the same, except that you have antialiasing and giving some shade ...
And for the top 12 € and inflated requirements (4 GB of RAM really?)
If you want to play do with the old version including mods:
textures in HD
1080P and widescreen support
Point and click integration
and more ...
Not sure if anyone has pointed out the errors with this post yet, but I thought I might just incase they haven't.
Firstly, I'm the guy "in charge" of Grim Fandango Deluxe, which is presumably the mod this guy is referring to when he says "textures in HD". (There's no other such mods for GF, we're the first and only.) As a result I feel like I'm in a good position to talk about the differences, and what you can and cannot do with Grim Fandango mods. (Come visit us at the RESIDUALVM forums!)
1. Nobody has upped the quality of the textures for HD (except DoubleFine for this new release). We got SOME of the models of Manny done (the lead character), but that was it. It took us years to get that far, don't hold your breath for competing texture packs from us.
2. The "widescreen" mod he refers to was only a video, created by ultraneonoirantihero. It has never been playable. It was just a video he made to demonstrate what such a mod might look like. Nobody ever made it real, or even came close to making it real (the technical problems were discussed, and they seemed unrealistic to surmount).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cigf0ZT9pu0 3. 1080P has also not been properly implemented by anyone. There's been SOME movement in this direction in recent builds of ResidualVM, but that's about it.
4. The point and click integration mod, made by Tobias Pfaff, is still buggy, and will probably never been finished now that DoubleFine have taken up the mantle themselves (with the help of Pfaff himself).
5. Even forgetting mods, ResidualVM (the software required to run GF on modern machines) still offers a buggy experience, unfortunately. The lighting, for example, is still not fixed properly. ResidualVM is a wonderful piece of software, but it's still not perfect, I'm afraid.
In short, the OP doesn't know what he's talking about. There are NO fan-made high-res texture packs for the entire game, NO fan-made widescreen support, NO 1080P resolution mods, and even the point and click mod is buggy.
This new version includes a wonderful new lighting system, re-orchestrated score, new controls (even beyond the pnc), and an art viewer... in addition to all the stuff that OP claims you can get from fanmade mods -- but can't.
Even though I was involved in the making of one of the mods the OP refers to, I certainly will be buying this version!