I also thought it was quite silly to remove cheats. I first thought they removed cheats because they weren't able to enable them in singleplayer and remove them in multiplayer at the same time but that's not the case, I checked in version 1.1. According to [url=https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Giants:_Citizen_Kabuto]this site[/url], debug mode was removed from version 1.0 to 1.1 for that reason though.
There are multiple versions of this game:
1.0: The release version. Contains most glitches and crashes often
1.1: Early patch with few changes, most notably the debug menu was disabled to prevent players from cheating in multiplayer mode
1.396: Beta patch, mostly like 1.4
1.4: Final patch. Crashes seldomly, but least glitches
1.497: Unofficial patch, focused on improving multiplayer (e.g. removing abusable glitches, more game modes, map sharing)
I think it's impossible to re-enable those cheats without having access to the source code unfortunately. I did find some sweet sounding command line options that I haven't really seen posted anywhere, I wonder what you guys think about it.
In version 1.1:
-window (windowed mode)
-debmusic (you get a debug hud in the game)
-tlod (???)
-japan (???)
-keepopen (???)
-guns (???)
-nomouse (disables mouse)
-noskipintro (doesn't seem to do anything?)
-skipintro (doesn't seem to do anything?)
I also found a bunch of others in a different place in the exe file, those seem to be more for configuring stuff though Some but not all seem to be posted in
this tweak guide EDIT: pretty much all the configuration commands I posted can be found
here Version 1.4 also has commandline options but not as much as 1.1. There are also a couple of different configuration options I think.
EDIT: pretty much all of the configuration commands I posted can be found [url=http://www.giantswd.org/?file=9&commands=line ]here[/url].