PaterAlf: DYSMANTLE hat heute ein Update erhalten. Habe es aber noch nicht getestet und sehe auch noch kein Changelog.
Hier mal der Changelog zum Update 0.6.7.:
- Access to new area 'Narrows Vale' (Part I, east side)
- More radio messages to replace static.
- Level Cap is now 27.
- Graphics options / resolution screen has display index selection.
- Showing Material names when hovering mouse over game screen material slots (mouse only).
- Showing Material names in Carried Materials screen when focus is over a material slot.
- Showing Material names in Collection Material grid.
- Quest HUD items can be minimized by clicking the icon with mouse.
- All Modifiers listed in categories in Inventory screen.
- Audio option for pausing sounds and music when app window is out of focus.
- Gameplay option for pausing the game when app window is out of focus.
- Audio option for playing copyrighted music (streamers can use this to avoid having to clear the copyrights for videos).
- New player character remarks for different situations
- Higher resolution textures.
- A message is now played when the player tries to destroy an object that is required for a quest.
- The player is now able to throw the monster lure.
- Modifiers now listed in more compact form.
- Another slight change to "Tomb of Timing".
- Low health indicator isn't triggered as easily.
- Skills now shown in the order picked in Collection.
- Saving options controller type selection. (Note that both controller types can still be used simultaneously.)
- Fixed cases where quest related objects would become indestructible for good after completing the quest and quitting the game.
- Showing player hit points bar properly when resuming game.
- Alt-tab crash fix and improved fullscreen mode handling.
- Several cases of positions in "Canaveral" where people were getting stuck.
- Some rare cases where the player could still trigger miniboss cutscenes after initiating the fight.